Virginia is a reproductive safe haven for many people across the South. No politician should have the authority to dictate our choices concerning our bodies, our health, or our futures.

Pledge Your Support!

Pledge Your Support!

    • Championing the protection and expansion of reproductive rights and care in Virginia, including efforts to amend Virginia's state constitution.

    • Working to dismantle barriers that disproportionately affect marginalized communities' access to reproductive care in Virginia.

    • Standing against any attempts to undermine or roll back reproductive rights at the local or state level.

  • I pledge to do everything within my power to safeguard reproductive freedoms in Virginia, striving for equality, dignity, and justice for everyone.

    By signing the pledge, you agree to receive communications from Birth In Color and its representatives, including emails, calls, or texts about opportunities to take action and support reproductive rights. To learn more about Birth In Color and the Constitutional Amendment, contact us!

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